Elopements are near and dear to my heart, elopements in Joshua Tree in particular. I love elopements for a couple of reasons. Smaller weddings and elopements allow for a less strict timeline which really lets the moments, genuine moments happen in a very REAL and natural way. Without the strict timelines that are absolutely necessary (vital in fact) in larger weddings, I’m afforded the opportunity to really observe and connect with the couple and their friends and family.
Joshua Tree truly lends itself to my style of wedding elopement coverage. See, I love to be a bit of a “fly on the wall” if you will. I like to stand back and observe the events and moments as they happen, capturing all the sweet, funny, loving moments. Sometimes its windy, sometimes its hot, often its a bit disorganized and chaotic, but I love all of it because each elopement is so unique to each couple and their invited friends and family.
Now, generally when you think of an elopement you think of just the couple and an officiant right? Well sometimes couples decide to add a few invited guests to their ceremony and I love that! Janet and Steve got married inside the Joshua Tree National Monument, at Cap Rock. The weather, in my opinion was delicious. It was a bit stormy and windy and a tad chilly, but it made for some of my favorite photographs! See, I love the windy hair, the blowing dress the tie being blown out of place. I love the movement.
Janet and Steve’s wedding was such fun, their guests were good sports considering it was quite chilly! There was a storm in the distance, which luckily enough gave me some AMAZING skies and light, but it held off the rain until the ceremony was done!

Joshua Tree elopement