Family photos are so important, as the years tick by its vital to document your family as it grows and changes. I find that to be even MORE important when there are little ones involved. I’m sure I’m not alone here… THEY GROW SO DANG FAST!!! Its so easy to cancel a session because a toddler is being cranky or misbehaving, but I beg of you, don’t cancel. Lets capture your family as it is RIGHT NOW. Your little ones will never be at this stage in their childhood again, lets capture it even if it is messy and you don’t feel like dealing with it. I promise you in the years to come you will cherish the photos we create. Authentic moments are so important, they ultimately reflect WHO your child is at this particular moment in their life.

Black and white photo of a curly haired toddler smiling directly at the camera and two young boys in suspenders and hats

Two photos of young girls, photographed in black and white, both with long brown hair, wearing pretty dresses

Two sweet photos of young girls, both with pig tails.  One photo of an african american girl with pig tails smiling sweetly at the camera, the other a younger girl sits on a mid-century style chair, looking at something off camera

Two candid photos in black and white.  In one a little girl in a white dress holds a flower up to her face.  The other photos is of an african american toddler looking very serious, directly into the lens

Two photographs, one of a young boy in a suit in Joshua Tree.  One of a toddler with pig-tails with hands clasped sweetly in front of her.

As a childrens photographer, I’m always watching for sweet moments, sometimes they are funny, sometimes they are chaotic, but I’m always on the hunt for the authentic moments that reflect the personality of each individual child.

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